Minggu, 08 Maret 2009

Problem (Part 4)

It had been weeks since the last exam. (And hearing Caest's scream over and over again). But today is different. It's not a busy day, so everyone decided to go out to a mall after the school ends.

Caest WILL participate, of course, since he's a kind of guy who will never misses such thing.
Reis? She decided to come after seeing how Caest really want her to come along.

It was one fine day. Even Frigid decided to tag along. The group walked around for a little while inside the recently opened 'FullMoonMall'. The interior was very beautiful. Not because the ornaments and all, but because the structure itself. The beauty of the mall's building was very undescribable.

At least for Caest.

"C'mon Caest!! What's so good with that angel statue???" asked Roy, one of their classmates.
"But the flawless curves!!! It beamed into my eyes!!" said Caest with a sparkling eyes.
"Stupid maniac.." hummed Frigid. Now he really regret coming along with them.
"Really..." sighed Reis. "You never learn, huh?"

Caest seemed irritated. He stared at Reis for a split second and he made his mouth showing a big, sarcastic grin.
They passed some stores just a while back, and Anne (another classmate) insisted to go to the boutique, so they decided to stop by.

The inside wasn't very interesting for the boys, so they sit at the nearby cafe, awaiting the girls to finish their business.

After that, they continued to walk around aimlessly.


"Where's Reis?" asked Caest, getting tired of waiting.

"I dunno, maybe she's still inside?" replied Anne. Apparently, Reis has not yet to come back from the toilet. And now she's making everyone sick of waiting.

"I'm getting a bad feeling about this.." said Frigid, opening his mouth for the first time. (Actually, not the first time, but technically, yes.)

It was not so long after that they heard a scream. And on top of it, Reis' scream.
Caest gasped, and ran to the toilet, Frigid and the others followed him swiftly, and eventually reached the toilet.

"Let me go you scum!!" screamed Reis, swinging her arms randomly until it hit one of the culprit who held her hands with a big and evil smirk. "Serves you right!' and she slapped his cheek. "I'm not done!!" said Reis as she slammed her handbag (full of random things) to his face.

Caest rolled his eyes. "She doesn't even need our help to begin with, so why did she scream so much??" and he stepped back a little, avoiding 'Reis handbag slam attack'.

"You should always keep an eye on lady's back, you know.." said Frigid with an unbelievably calm face. (And he was so panicked just a few moments ago...)

Reis hadn't finished yet. She grabbed the man's shirt and forced his head to the wall, then she punch his stomach, launched a somersault, and a mid-air-kicking-phoenix attack. (Whatever it is, even I myself don't know it)

"Now take that!!" Reis tackled the poor man and launched a 7-ways-slap-hit-slam-uppercut-kick-elbow-combo; rendering the man~(you DON'T want to know. I'm sure of it. So don't ask)

"That's what you'll get for attacking an innocent, pure, and charming lady like me!!" said Reis finally, after the 'enemy' was knocked out. She wiped her sweat with a 100% hygiene tissue and re-do her minimalist makeup.

"Umm....To tell you the truth, I don't think an 'innocent, pure, and charming lady' would attack someone THAT badly.." mumbled Caest with a very low tone so that Reis couldn't hear it. Who knows what will she do if she DID hear it?

"CAEST." Reis glared at him.
"Y-y-y-y-yy-y-y-yess?" replied Caest after gathering his small amount of energy.
Reis stare trough Caest's eyes.
Caest was there.
Reis was there.
Reis was staring at him.
Caest was scared of her.

Reis grinned. "Let's go the the KARAOKE!!"

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